Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Just Because It's Raining...

Doesn't give you an excuse to wear pants like these around campus...
Not a great picture cause I was trying to be supaaa sneaky with my phone but i mean COME ON.
I know you cant see them well but they were like these crazy parachute pants.  Huge in the legs and tight in the ankles. Random girl... the 80's called...and even they're embarassed of your outfit.  If youre going to wear parachute pants in public(Not suggested) least rock them(ok..maybe thats not possible.  unless youre MC Hammer...)

My Friend Drunk Was SO Wayne Last Night!

Wait...did I get that right?  Well anyways my friend comes home last night from some frat mixer dressed up in a "land down under" costume? i guess that's like an Australian/Safari theme.  Anyways he was fucking HILARIOUS. Keep in mind this guy never actually dresses up for this kind of stuff so we were pretty amused when he busts in the room at 2AM on a Tuesday night looking like this:
No one knows why the hell his shorts were like that but it was amazing.  I even have some videos...but uhhh we shall see if I put those up.  We were BEGGING him to say something Australian and finally got him to say "Shrimp on the Barbie!" which led us to have another laugh attack at his expense.
He was going a tad bit crazy...
Poor Becca.  Anyways, it was awesome.

:) Alexa


Okay soooooo we come home last friday shitfaced to our dorm building. When we get upstairs our common room looked like this....
THERE WAS A GIANT FLIPPING FORT made out of all the couches in the room.
okay I know its not THAT exciting but my drunkass thought this was the best thing in the world man.  If only it was still up the next morning :(.  Anyways I honestly didn't remember this until tonight because I saw the pic on my phone. One of those "HOLY SHIT DO YOU REMEMBER THAT?!" moments. hah. love you all

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rollerblading in the Library?!?!

Hahahahahahahahahaa. Okay so the other day i was in the library and saw this crazy chick just rollerblading around the place like it was no big deal? like, is no one going to stop her? So entertaining. I wish she would come back right now so i could get some sweet action shots.

Monday, March 28, 2011

What Up World?

Come join me on this wild ride I call life. Follow me to see the funny shit that happens to me and my friends every day over these next 4 eventful(hopefully) years at UNCW! Basically lots of pictures of the hilarious things I encounter here on campus and elsewhere. I'm sure I'll throw a few random things in here as well (things i find cute/interesting) but we will try to keep this joint as entertaining as possible :)

Cheers Bitches ;)