Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Just Because It's Raining...

Doesn't give you an excuse to wear pants like these around campus...
Not a great picture cause I was trying to be supaaa sneaky with my phone but i mean COME ON.
I know you cant see them well but they were like these crazy parachute pants.  Huge in the legs and tight in the ankles. Random girl... the 80's called...and even they're embarassed of your outfit.  If youre going to wear parachute pants in public(Not suggested) least rock them(ok..maybe thats not possible.  unless youre MC Hammer...)


  1. hilarious. i <3 you

    PS i will have you know that in the 80s I was rocking stirrup pants (no horrible baggies for me!)

  2. Haha those pants are an instant classic! :)

    <3 Belly B
